Kildare Sports Ability Open Day - 11th November 2023
Kildare Sports Ability Day 2023 will take place on 11th November 2023 from 12-2pm in the Phoenix Sports Centre, NUI Maynooth.
It will showcase the various sport and physical activity offerings that are available to people with disabilities/additional needs in Co. Kildare and surrounding counties. These activities will be showcased through a variety of 'Come and Try' sessions on the day, demonstrations, and information stands. Sports being showcased include Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Fencing, GAA, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Vision Sports and more.
Admission is FREE and the event is suitable for people with a disability, parents, teachers, students, and anyone with an interest in sport for all abilities.
Please register to attend using this form
For further information, email Fiach Andrews, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, on:
See this brochure also for the full list of Sports Ability Groups in Kildare