Family-Centred Practice

We use a family-centred practice (FCP) approach. FCP is internationally considered to be the best way to support the development, learning and wellbeing of children with complex needs arising from a disability. (PDS policy framework for service delivery of children’s disability network teams, revised May 2022.)

The FCP approach places the family at the centre of service delivery. It recognises that:

  • each family, and their circumstances, is unique
  • family members are the most constant people in a child’s life and
  • family members are the experts on their child.

This approach is different to the traditional medical approach where therapists are seen as the ‘experts’.

The FCP approach recognises that all children develop and learn through taking part in daily life and activities with their family, and at school or pre-school. This means the CDNT will support families to make the most of these everyday learning opportunities which will help your child to reach their full potential.

The goal of FCP is to empower you and your family by giving you the knowledge and strategies to help you all to reach the goals agreed in your Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP). We do this by working with you and others close to your child who are supporting your child’s development in everyday settings – for example, at home and at school.

Your family, along with other important people in your child’s life – such as preschool and crèche teachers, teachers, childminders and grandparents – spend the most time with your child. The FCP approach is a much more effective way to work with you, your child and family. It acknowledges that the adults who have the deepest relationships and spend the most time with a child have the skills to provide intervention on an ongoing basis.

It’s what happens outside therapy sessions that makes the difference.