Moving from Pre-school to Primary School

The HSE Developmental and Autism Psychology Service for Carlow/Kilkenny created this video on this topic. 


National Council for Special Education (NCSE)

The NCSE's local service is delivered through a national network of Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs). All parents who will be applying for a specialist school placement for their child such as an autism class and/or a special school should always link in with their local SENO. They work with parents and schools and liaise with the HSE in providing resources to support children with special educational needs.

While the above video references local contact details for Carlow/Kilkenny, details on the work of SENOs and how to contact your local team can be found here. You can also use their interactive map to find local contacts in your area and to see what special schools there are close to your home. 

See also their Online Resources section for parents which is divided out as follows: early years, primary school, post-primary school, special class/school. 

Further resources and information